Captain Chef  - Bar Edition (Text To Speech Version) 

Created for Bartenders who Voyage through the Night . . .





CaptainChef©2020 - Bar Edition is a Unicode, Multilingual, Text To Speech (TTS), Interactive Application that Manages and Keeps your Cocktail Recipes on your PC/LAN Server, is TTS Capable including Ivona Voice (Updated to use Amazon Polly as of 2018), and, will be your Right Hand in Managing your Cocktail Recipes.

    Runs with MsAccess 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 (MsAccess 2007 Runtime is included in CaptainChefSetup.exe ) on WinXP-Pro, Win7, Win8.1 Win10, 32/64bit, with any of 3 different Back End Database/Servers on your PC/LAN Server,
    1. MsAccess, 2. MsSQL Server, 3. PostgreSQL Server.
    - Cocktail Recipes Management
    - Cocktail Recipes and Menu Costing
    - Cocktail Recipes and Menu Nutrients
    - All of CaptainChef's Reports are Exported to MsExcel Directly, other MsOffice Applications, Adobe pdf . . .
    - Much more for you to discover . . .

    Slide Show on MsAccess 2016 FrontEnd, Windows 10 (64bit)
          (Hover mouse over to pause, click to open in a new Tab/Window)



Supported O/S PLATFORMS:

(Runs on Both 32 bit and 64 bit Windows Platforms)

     Windows XP Pro (SP3)
     Windows 7 (32 or 64 bit)
     Windows 8 (32 or 64 bit)
     Windows 8.1 (32 or 64 bit)
     Windows 10 (32 or 64 bit)

     Runs on Both 32 bit and 64 bit Windows Platforms Smoothly and Incredibly Fast due to Direct Kernel Programming.

